The Bearers "After such a complicated time. We became the bearers just because we beard every pain and didn't shared anything and made decision to stay with each other forever. What you all think the pain ended in last season? If yes then you are wrong just go through this season . Now In my realtionship we have that fucking, Ex guy, , Rumour making peoples arround us as our villains. These villain were not friends but at the time they attacked toghether at that time they brought our relation to an end. But there is something that was a bit of trust which holded us and saved from those nightmares. This was but not simple as you are reading. A Day Came: Black Saturday The saturday was black beacause that day the momment I jumped into I didn't ever imagined that I had to see in my life. In school the classes were over I was in class. We were talking and having a lovely talk. Suddenly a teacher came in class and asked my girlfriend to go in next class an...