The Bearers

"After such a complicated time. We became the bearers just because we beard every pain and didn't shared anything and made decision to stay with each other forever. What you all think the pain ended in last season? If yes then you are wrong  just go through this season . 

Now In my realtionship we have that fucking, Ex guy, , Rumour making peoples arround us as our villains. These villain were not friends but at the time they attacked toghether at that time they brought our relation to an end. But there is something that was a bit of trust which holded us and saved from those nightmares. This was but not simple as you are reading. 

A Day Came: Black Saturday

 The saturday was black beacause that day the momment I jumped into I didn't ever imagined that I had to see in my life.  In school the classes were over I was in class. We were talking and having a lovely talk. Suddenly a teacher came in class and asked my girlfriend to  go in next class and manage students sitting over there. She told me to wait and told that she will be back in some minutes. I was waiting it was late show I asked that teacher can I go to washroom and when I was going through next class's coridoor I saw my gf was with that ex guy grabbing hands. I was crying but from inside I didn't showed up my tears. I entered in class and tried to talk it felt like I interrupted them. I was trying to seperate them but my girlfriend wasn't getting seprate and she was with him at that time but she was pretneding to be my side. We three had a fight over there and I went out of the class. 

Returning back to home in bus she came and sat aside me and asked me that are you ok and apologised asking are you hurt. In my me be like ohh yes I enjoyed( Metaphor). I didn't answerd any of her question as I know if I answered any of her question I would be talking very bad. Really but I beared that  pain and I was right to bear not to express today I am happy for that decision.


After that saturday I realized one thing that I got punishment for my all past mistakes. I am sure for which of my mistake god gave me punishment on that saturday. I remember very well I shared my T-shirt with a girl and she teased my girlfriend very badly and I ingnored badly what she felt that day.

I accept my mistakes and she also accepted all her mistakes. Which was all like tit for tat. Sometimes getting hurt is very important we both have been gone through bad time and good times toghether so we atlast forgived each other for every mistakes done in past and promised to not repeat any of in future. At that day finally we were happiest in comparison of whole relationship. This moment gave a very strong bas to my relationship. Hence there is always problems running with you just you have to know how to deal with it. 

"We became a loving couple. From now we had lot of love and trust. After such a long bad times. But it was 2020 now and everyone knows what for 2020 is famous 'The Corona Virus' it was exam time of my relationship. We both had dropped the hope that we will be toghether. But there's always miracle happens."

To Be Continued................. In next Season (SNANSH 2106 (CUPOID) :S5)

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